Varenummer: 7000108508
Typenummer: MT15H7P3EWS5-50
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Udgået! p.t findes der kun Lite Com PRO III ATEX med bluetooth.
The PELTOR™ WS™ ProTac XP is an active-hearing hearing protector that features Bluetooth® technology. The Bluetooth function enables work with both hands free while taking calls via 2-way radio or mobile phones. The ambient listening function lets the user hear surrounding noise and converse with colleagues. The headset provides effective noise attenuation when sound level is high.
The product has been examined by Combitech AB, Kungsörsvägen 68, SE-732 81 Arboga, Sweden, Notified body #1914 PhoenixT estlab GmbH, Königswinkel 10, D-32825 Blomberg, Germany, Notified body #0700 II 2G Ex ia IIC T4 Gb I M1 Ex 1a IMa