Varenummer: 7100146915
Typenummer: MRX21A2WS6
4.530,00 DKK
Vejl. pris ex. moms
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Key Features
High attenuating hearing protector in two models: stand-alone headband or safety helmet attachment (SNR 30 dB)
Bluetooth® Technology for connection to one external device for hands-free talk and streaming
Noise cancelling boom microphone for clear speech transmission in noisy environments
Level-dependent function for ambient listening to help improve your situational awareness
Auto-pairing to quickly pair and connect to your mobile device
Built-in FM-Radio with radio volume limited to 82dB
Voice guided menu system
Digital station search with ability to store up to 4 favorite stations
Auto power o : The headset will turn o after 4 hrs of non-use to save battery
Low-battery warning at low battery level
To reduce the corrosion caused by sweat, the electronics are located in the outer part of the cup
Rechargeable option with NiMH batteries
Replaceable cushions and foam liners